Chemical & Textiles

We help researches and manufacturers incorporate LIBS, NIR, and other tools in their work.

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Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for High Resolution Chemical Mapping to Learn the Composition of an Unknown Substance

High resolution chemical mapping is one of the advantages of Modern LIBS systems. In this application note, AtomTrace investigates the composition of a sandstone-hosted uranium ore and uses Self-Organized Mapping (SOM) to reveal information prior to conventional analysis. This information can be used for identification of elemental associations, elemental isolations, or for reduction of the original dataset to a feasible number of representatives.

Depth Profile of thin Zinc layers on metallic surfaces using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) provide fast, qualitative depth-resolved analysis of surfaces, even in air, filling typically in the micrometric range. In this application note, AtomTrace uses the Sci-Trace lab system to show the depth profile and distribution of elements in Zinc-coated steel.

Using Portable Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy for Rapid Material Identification

In these application notes, Spectral Engines discusses how their NIRONE Sensors which are compact, Near-Infrared Sensors, can be used for portable, rapid material identification.

Use Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) to analyze the moisture content at production facilities

In this application note, Spectral Engines discusses how you can use the NIRONE near-infrared sensors to monitor moisture in processing facilities.


The PX-2 operates at speeds up to 220 Hz and offers excellent pulse-to-pulse stability. It can be triggered by an external TTL pulse and offers software control of the flash rate.

Additional Information

  • Adjustable flash rate – optimizes measurements of light-sensitive samples
  • Simple operation – software control of flash rate and synchronization
  • Reliable performance – excellent pulse-to-pulse stability for long measurements

Use the PX2+ for continuous process monitoring

The PX2+ is a highly sensitive, easy to use, and compact instrument capable of making absorbance or fluorescence measurements. The PX2+ features 3.2” capacitive touch LCD that allows users to calibrate and view data. Process monitoring equipment is a great investment as economic benefits arise from greater process control and less waste.

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