MultiView 4000

  • Surface resistivity measurements – using two, three, and four-point geometries.
  • Multiprobe thermal measurements and resistance measurements – on device structures or polymeric materials.
  • Optical measurements with multiple Near-Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM) probes for pump-probe measurements – on optical devices and optically active materials such as semiconductors with femtosecond time and nanometric spatial resolution.
  • Optical or thermal desorption with multiple probes to excite and collect the desorbed species for chemical analysis – on chemical structures where spatially selective desorption of such species can be directly collected into a mass spectrometer for chemical analysis, with a second cantilevered nanopipette probe.
  • Nanochemical writing with one probe while imaging with a second probe – on a wide variety of substrates using chemicals in the gas or liquid phase
  • NanoIndentation with one probe, with simultaneous and accurate AFM and/or thermal mapping using a second probe – on polymeric, semiconductor or other materials.


Up to 4 AFM Probes in a Single System

The Nanonics Imaging MultiView 4000 enables the utilization of up to four probes for independent imaging and manipulation of a sample. This platform can integrate with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Raman, and Tip Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS). You can measure electrical, thermal, and optical properties and conduct advanced experiments such as nanoscale transport, optical pump-probe, and read-write experiments. Optical access from above allows for easy visualization of all probes and facilitates nanomanipulation. The MultiView 4000 is customizable, so contact us if you would like to learn how the MultiView 4000 can work for you



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