Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

Gasera One Brochure

Interested in trace gas measurements with high accuracy and time resolution?  Ask us how you can ustilize a Gasera One for your project.

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Gasera One Features

 The Gasera One uses photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) to analyze hydrocarbons, pollutants, industrial gasses, and medical gasses in the range of 1-50 ppb.

  • Detection limits are in the range of 1-50 ppb for hydrocarbons, pollutants, industrial gasses, and medical gasses.
  • This system can be utilized for monitoring the environment, power utilities, food production, energy, process control, safety, and security.
  • There are several configurations of light sources and detectors available, depending on your application requirements and budget.

Gasera Ltd. was founded in 2004 by the son of Prof. Kauppinen. The goal was to bring Prof. Kauppinen’s life work in the field of infrared spectroscopy to the commercial market.  You can learn more at