Biological & Environmental Monitoring

We help researchers perform water quality, air quality, and other environmental and biological tests.

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Live Cell Imaging with Nanonics Imaging HydraBio Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

The potential for live cell imaging exists today.  In this video taken with the Nanonics Imaging Hydra BioAFM, bacteria can be seen “swimming” by.

Monitor Biochemical Reactions and Fluorescent Tags in Biological Samples with Picoyune LeRoy LEDS

Lower the cost and improve performance of fluorescence spectroscopy. Picoyune LeRoy Ultra-Stable Fiber-Coupled LEDs provides stable output power and control of the LED temperature to within 0.01 ºC.

Photoacoustic Gas Spectroscopy for Environmental Monitoring

The Gasera One uses photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) to analyze hydrocarbons, pollutants, industrial gasses, and medical gasses in the range of 1-50 ppb.

Multivariant Classification of Bacteria Utilizing LIBS and Raman Spectroscopy

A conventional discrimination and identification of bacteria and bacterial strains is a complicated and time consuming procedure. This process can be simplified and accelerated by using spectroscopic methods and multivariate data analysis. This study by AtomTrace shows the performance of LIBS and Raman spectroscopy.

These Companies Provide Biological and Environmental Solutions