Lasers for Raman Spectroscopy

We sell IPS lasers ranging from 405 nm to 1064 nm with a range of powers from 10 – 500 mW. These are ideal for precision scientific applications including Raman spectroscopy, metrology, and interferometry.  Ask us if you’re looking for a particular wavelength!


We sell IPS lasers ranging from 405 nm to 1064 nm with a range of powers from 10 – 500 mW. We have both multi-mode and single mode lasers. These lasers are ideal for precision scientific applications including Raman spectroscopy, metrology, and interferometry. Custom laser options available upon request.




  • Wavelength Stabilized Spectrum
  • High Power Multi-Mode Fiber Coupled Output
  • UL/CE and IEC Certified
  • Turn-Key Operation
  • Narrow Spectral Linewidth (< 0.15 FWHM)
  • Narrowed Spectral Linewidth available upon request (< 0.07 nm FWHM)
  • Temperature Stabilized Spectrum (< 0.007 nm/0C)
  • 40 dB SMSR Typical

Available Wavelengths


Wavelength (nm)Minimum Power Output (mW)
785350, 500
808350, 500
830350, 500


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