Kevin Kaye, Rowena Clima, and I will be attending SPIE Optics and Photonics in San Diego from August 20th to 23rd. Find us at Booth 728 where we’ll be demonstrating some of our newest products including:
• Moku:Lab
• 3DOptix
• Resolved Instruments DPD80 USB Photodetector
• Narrowband Solid State Lasers
• Picoyune LeRoy Ultra-Stable LEDs
• and much more!
If you’re interested in trying out one of these great devices, learning how optical sensing can help you with your project, or setting up a time to meet with us at SPIE Optics + Photonics, please e-mail [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there!
Steve Buckley, Ph.D.
Flash Photonics


NIRONE MEMS IR Spectrometers
These are the world’s smallest and most intelligent spectral sensor. See it in person and learn how you can incorporate it into your product.

Narrowband Solid State Lasers

Picoyune LeRoy Ultra-Stable LEDs
